Redland Art Gallery, Cleveland, 20 August to 8 October 2017
In Papillon, a kaleidoscope of butterflies made from recycled tea bags float and waft from the ceiling of the gallery in a kinetic sculpture that counterpoints an equal number of specimens
printed with abstract imagery pinned to the walls for closer observation.
As ARAS (Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism) in the Book of Symbols points out, the butterfly has signified not only the mystery of physical metamorphoses, but also the loveliest transmutations of the soul, often taking place out of sight, attesting to the unconscious dynamics
at work. In this exhibition we are reminded that although the transformation can be a symbol of
true and lasting change, it is not a once in a life time achievement but a consistent and persistent process that is the means with which we move towards wholeness.
Between the butterflies pinned to the wall and the dynamic installation from the gallery ceiling
there is a dichotomy that creates a new language exploring the potentiality and actuality of metamorphosis, imbuing the works with a deeper meaning.
A six page catalogue is available upon request