the C word – Official Opening

It gives me great pleasure to extend this warm invitation to my next solo exhibition …
the C word to be held at the Old Ambulance Station.

Exhibition dates 25 August to 24 September 2022.

Official Opening Thursday 25th August 2022, 6pm.
Guest Speaker Dr John Waldron.

Workshop Thursday  1 September 10am – 12pm.
Artist Tour Thursday 1 September 1pm – 2.30pm.
Bookings for Artist Tour + Workshop visit the Horizon Festival website.

Je ne sais quoije ne sais quoi (detail), 2022, latex, cotton, silicone, acrylic paint, and vintage mirror.


A special thank you to the Old Ambulance Station for hosting my exhibition and the Horizon Festival for inclusion in their 2022 events program.

the C word is proudly supported by Sunshine Coast Council’s grants program and proudly sponsored by Nerada Tea.